Holistic Moms Network – Sayville Chapter, is a welcoming and diverse community group of mothers and other parents/caregivers who meet once a month to support each other in an interest in holistic wellness and green living. Holistic Moms Network is a national non-profit organization with over 100 chapters across the United States.

Led by Maryjean Williams, a monthly gathering takes place each month at 10:00 am at Foster Marina Park in Sayville. See the calendar for upcoming dates.

Membership is $30 per year; more information is available on the national website at holisticmoms.org/connect.

Learn more about the Holistic Moms Network – Sayville Chapter at chapters.holisticmoms.org/chapters/ny-sayville.

Benefits of membership in Holistic Moms Network – Sayville include monthly meetings, special presentations and information sessions, a Frontier Co-op Buying Club, a Fullscript discount, and a place to share your successes, struggles, and more.

Follow Holistic Moms Network: Sayville, NY Chapter on Facebook for upcoming news and events.

Want to learn more? Contact Maryjean today!

Connect parents and create supportive communities, both in person, through local chapters, and online. Help parents and others to learn about holistic and green living.

Holistic Moms Network