La Leche League is an international nonprofit organization which seeks to encourage, inform, educate, support, and promote the use of human milk for feeding babies, and to foster the intimate relationship and development that comes from nursing a child for as long as is mutually desired by child and parent.

La Leche League of Sayville (formerly LLL of Lake Ronkonkoma) upholds these missions by holding free lactation support meetings each month. All are welcome to join, with affordable memberships available.

La Leche League of Sayville meetings are held once a month in Sayville. See the calendar for upcoming meetings.

Breastfeeding is beneficial for parent and child

The bond between breastfeeding parent and child is a special one, developed over months and even years of mutual trust, respect, and benefit.

There are also many health benefits for both parties, including a decreased risk of breast cancer for the mother and an improved immune system for baby.

Breastfeeding isn’t always easy

While breastfeeding is beneficial for mother and child, it isn’t always without challenges. From latching and milk production issues concerns early on, to questions about nutrition, introducing solids alongside breastmilk, and weaning, nursing parents may find themselves seeking support and answers.

La Leche League International answers common questions about breastfeeding here, or contact Little Acorns Long Island to learn more about La Leche League of Sayville meetings and membership.

La Leche League of Lake Ronkonkoma

La Leche League of Sayville is a community working together! Pictured are leader Maryjean Williams and members at a 2014 LLL-Sayville joint tag sale.

Follow LLL of Lake Ronkonkoma on Facebook, or contact Maryjean for more information.